We do love a good winged eye (yes, even at our age!), however as we mature, it can be a little hard to achieve without smudges, creasing and unevenness. Enter The Quick Flick, the Australian invention that makes achieving a winged eye simple for women of all ages. The clever pen contains a winged stamp in one end (and each pack comes with a left and right wing, so both eyes look even), which lets you apply the perfect wing each and every time, then you simply line your eye, and join the line to the wing, and voila – matching sharp wings in minimal time. For best results, follow the 3 steps below, and watch this video: www.thequickflick.com.au
The Quick Flick wing stamps come in 3 sizes – petite for smaller wings, modest for standard wings, and grand for wings that pop, so whether you are after a subtle day look, or a WOW night eye, you can find the wing size you need. The Classic pens, which create a more rounded wing shape, come in multiple shades – Black for a classic eye, Hot Fudge, a medium brown for a softer eye, and Blue Velvet and Green Envy, to match your eye colours. The newly released limited edition To The Point creates sharp pointed black wings in no time.
To answer a few FAQ’s – the eyeliner and wing stay in place all day, and are easily removed with makeup remover. The Stamp & Pen last for around 100 stamps, or 3 months (depending how often you use them). The Quick Flick Classic or To The Point Pen Duo Set RRP $34.99. If you want to see how they look on a 50+ eye, head over to our Instagram page – click the link at the bottom of this page.
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