Spring is here – hooray, and just in time for us to switch to lighter teas and teaware, T2 have launched their Spring collection of fine bone china, and teas, and what a gorgeous collection it is. In collaboration with Melbourne homeware gurus Bonnie & Neil, the T2 Spring collection features 2 stunning designs in Magnolia and Rose, with each design having butterflies and bees flitting amongst the flowers for a glorious Spring feel. Both the Magnolia and Rose Sets feature a Sugar Bowl, Milk Jug, Pretty Mug, Teapot, and Tea for One Set. Our favourite – it was a hard choice, they are all so pretty, but we love the Magnolia Tea for One Set (RRP $70.00), and the Rose Pretty Mug (RRP $32.00) – both pictured. Perfect for any tea party, we think these would not look out of place in a certain royal palace!
Speaking of royal palaces, pair the Spring teaware with some lighter Spring tea flavours, such as the The Queen’s Peach, perfect for a lazy, sunny day tea party, with sweet notes of fresh peach, apple, pineapple, and a tingly zing of ginger freshness. Or you might prefer On The Lawn, the classic posh English-style tea, combining the ultimate quenching tastes of summer – oranges, mint, strawberries and plenty of cucumber with a lemon tingle. Perfect for those scorching Summer days – grab your iced tea jugs and fill them up. The Queen’s Peach Loose Leaf Tea 150g RRP $26.00, On The Lawn Loose Leaf Tea 120g RRP $26.00, both pictured.
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