It is well known that Magnesium is essential for healthy bones and muscles. Magnesium is needed for over 300 different chemical reactions in our bodies, including maintaining energy levels, helping with relaxation, and sustaining the health of your heart and blood vessels, and according to an ABS survey, almost two thirds of us aren’t getting enough (if you are concerned about your magnesium levels, visit your doctor for a check up). January often brings New Year’s resolutions, including exercise and eating more healthily, and into February and March our sports programs start up again. It is timely to look at our bodies magnesium needs to help our energy levels, and ensure our bodies cope with our exercise and sporting commitments.
The Salt Lab Magnesium Oil is a transdermal source of magnesium, meaning that it is absorbed through your skin, rather than being eaten or ingested. This has been shown to be more efficient than through the digestive tract, and you can apply the oil directly to areas that are most in need, for example tired muscles and muscle cramps, to speed up the beneficial effects of the magnesium. Magnesium has also been shown to help with reduced recovery time after sport or exercise, and improved sleep. The Salt Lab Magnesium Oil comes in a portable bottle, so you can take it with you to the gym, or to sport, and you can apply it easily wherever needed with the non-leak spray. 200ml RRP $32.99. We’re using this now for pre-season training, and we’ll be using this over the upcoming netball season, to ease tired muscles and help with muscle recovery. So far we’ve noticed reduced recovery time for muscle soreness after exercising, and fewer cramps at night, and with a busy work and family life, that’s a good thing!
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