Utilising the optimum dose of vitamin B5, SkinB5’s natural acne treatment system combines supplements and skincare to help eliminate and treat the underlying causes of acne from the inside out. SkinB5 uses 5 key actions to help control acne – including controlling sebum, helping hormone balance, helping to strengthen immunity, stress relief and cell renewal. If you have a teenage child or grandchild, you’ll know that with end of year exams approaching, on top of the school formals etc, teens are stressed to the max, and it starts to show in their skin, which only adds to the stress, in a self perpetuating cycle. If this is the case, the easy to use acne control range from SkinB5 could be your new best friend.
SkinB5’s effective 4-step system begins with oral supplements as an essential first step to getting your acne under control. The Acne Control Extra Strength Tablets contain essential minerals and antioxidants such as Zinc, Silicon, and Vitamin A to help support skin healing and renewal, whilst also helping to control acne breakouts. Step 2, the Acne Control Cleansing Mousse is a non-drying cleanser that removes excess skin oil and tightens and unclogs pores, to help prevent future breakouts. Follow the Cleanser with Step 3, the Acne Control Moisturiser, a lightweight, easily absorbed lotion, that gently hydrates your skin, without clogging pores, thus helping to prevent breakouts. Step 4 in the regime are the Acne Control Caplets, which help to maintain your clear skin and control and prevent future breakouts. The caplets also help to treat hormonal acne, blackheads and whiteheads. To enhance the results of the program, you can also use the 5-Min Skin Purifying Mask. The fast acting mask helps to detoxify, purify, and soothe acne prone skin, leaving it deeply cleansed and nourished.
Of course, it’s not just teenagers who suffer from acne breakouts. Acne is caused by fluctuating hormones, and can occur during menstruation or pregnancy, when ceasing contraception, or during menopause, so if acne is troubling you, whatever your age, try the SkinB5 range. SkinB5 Extra Strength 180 Tablets RRP $66.53, Acne Control Cleansing Mousse 150ml RRP $34.60, Acne Control Moisturiser 50ml RRP $34.60, Acne Control Caplets 90 Caplets RRP $52.38, 5-Min Skin Purifying Mask 100g RRP $46.71.
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